Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Flash & Draxhall Jump

Inspired by Ragnell's latest blog entry and apparent enthusiasm, I thought I'd drop a line or two about what I hope will be a cool-ass series reboot: The Flash.

Like Ragnell, I've got a lot of love for the character, but I fear she may have a bit more love than I since she said, "I am a very indiscriminant Flash fan [...] I mena, this is the franchise that got me into DC. It would take something major for me not to like this." I, on the other hand, dropped the Johns-helmed title quite a while back because I just wasn't digging the direction or the art. There was quite a bit of potential there, but I never felt like I was getting my money's worth from the title. So, when the time came to trim the fat, The Flash got cut from the team.

Infinite Crisis fugged up some of what I liked most about The Flash (and Waid's contribution to his world), so that turned me off even more.

BUT the preview from a few months, ago, (I didn't look at the one that popped up, yesterday; I mean, what's the point?!) really reignited my interest. This was due both to the story content and the illustrations.

I haven't confirmed that Draxhall Jump is crafting the art, but it damn-sure looks that way. I'm a BIG-ass fan of theirs and have been ever since they did that "Ultimate DC" reimagining for Wizard Magazine years, ago.

It was BEAUTIFUL and well thought-out. I didn't love ALL the designs, but the renderings were quite impressive - especially the coloring. Hell, there's not much I *don't* like about their style.

Even their website is cool as hell.

So yeah, I'll be scooping up two copies of this first issue (and just about anything else that even *smells* like Draxhall approached it). Here's hoping it lives up to expectations and that tight-ass teaser image, above!

EDIT: After checking out their site, just now, I'd say they've all but confirmed their involvement on The Flash.
Apparently, "52" and "Legion of Super-Heroes" is being graced by their talent and skill, as well.


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