Thursday, April 26, 2007

Quick Hits: Alanis' Humps, Kids Inc., & Peace-of-Mind

My recent comment at Liz's spot was stretching to full blog-post proportions, so I thought I'd post'em as Quick Hits.
* Alanis' version of "My Humps" is a trip. I wonder 1) why she did it and 2) why Fergie let her do it.

* Do any of you remember "Kids Incorporated," the 80's show with the singing and dancing kids? Well, the little blond girl was Fergie.

* I'm feeling secure about a purchase I made last night. Peace-of-mind is awesome.

I was originally consulting (my new Bible) and weighing the financial pro's and con's about a laptop extended service plan. I decided against it.

Then I asked some of my geek brethren for advice and one of them said, "If you can afford it AND if you'll feel more secure with it, just do it."

Damned good advice. I did it and I must repeat: Peace-of-mind is awesome.

Questions? Comments?


Liz Dwyer said...

LOL! I should have known that your "peace of mind" would be computer related!"

West said...

Ahh, you know me to well. :)

Miz JJ said...

I do not think Alanis "officially" released the song, but it is brillant on so many levels. First, she is mocking herself and her emo-chick rock, but at the same time mocking Fergie and her ridiculous lyrics. But then she is also making a comment about sexism in music videos. Loved it.

I always try to buy insurance. That way I know I am covered!

Anonymous said...

Alanis' has a song mocking "My Humps"??

*to Imeem ---->*

I remember being partially floored when I heard that song was by the Black Eyed Peas. The lyrics are rather ridiculous.