{se·man·tics n. The meaning or the interpretation of a word, sentence, or other language form}
"Semantics" isn't necessarily a bad word, as many disagreements hinge on how we define our terms.
Here, we'll talk semantics, movies, technology, politics, and just about everything else under the sun.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Mini-Chat is Operational!
The chatbox is in the margins to the right of this text. It looks like this:
Oh and how are you doing that from the Treo? I've got one and ummm I'm afraid to say I'm still learning how to work it.
Just go to this website just like you would to any other, using your Treo. You'll see the chatroom along the border (depending on your settings).
OR, if you prefer... go to the "big" chatroom (it's the same chatroom, just larger) at "http://cbox.ws/?west3man".
Let me know if you have any other questions.
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