Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What's a better gift than baby smiles?

Okay, maybe a new car. *shrugs*

Still, when it really gets down to it, few things light up my face (and a lot of other people's) like the moment when a baby gives you one of the only gifts he can*, his smile. A baby's first few smiles are so precious, it's a delight when they share them with you. As proof, witness the below...

I know, this is supposed to be the day for movies, but movies are just moving pictures, right? So, if I show you three stills of a moving person or object, that counts, right? Right?

Right. Dammit. Like Jell-O, there's always room for babies.

. . .

Maybe I should rephrase that.

Anyway, our CBR pal Lone Ranger hung up his mask and settled down with his kitty, Kat. Together, they've ensured that the legacy continues in Canada. I present to you...

The Looooo-gan Ranger!

Image #1 (click image to enlarge)

Image #2 (click image to enlarge)

Image #3 (click image to enlarge)

[inside-joke]Btw, movie or not, if you smell popcorn, DON'T ASK! Trust me. [/inside-joke]

So, what do YOU love about babies?

Thanks to "Lone Ranger" and his wife for sharing these pix of their new baby and for allowing me to share them with you.

* - not counting the OTHER gift that lights up the room... !

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